
GMS Industrial Computer

cwcIndustrialPC_01A Really Tough Computer

Key Benefits:

  • Dual hot-swappable hard drives
  • Intelligent cooling to reduce dust in computer
  • Air filter to further reduce dust
  • Suspension mounting for hard drives
  • Hold down clamp to keep components in place
  • Uses top quality components
  • DVDRW for easy back up of data
  • Built like a tank

What’s the problem?

  • Office computers just don’t survive in the dusty vibration environment of grain facilities.
  • Office computer manufacturers are always looking to cut costs so they continuously change suppliers making long term equipment support very difficult.

cwcIndustrialPC_02How does CompuWeigh’s Industrial Computer fix the Problem?

Hot-Swappable Hard Drives duplicates all data onto (2) 80-GB SATA hard drives. If one drive fails the second hard drive instantly takes over without any interruption. The faulty drive can be replaced at any time without shutting down the system and within an hour becomes a clone of the working one.[sc:clear ]

cwcIndustrialPC_03Cleanable Filter eliminates 90% of the dust entering the computer.

SmartFan provides variable speed cooling so only the minimal amount of air is being drawn into the computer. We don’t need much cooling in North Dakota in February!

Front mounted USB ports for quick backup of data or to export report information.[sc:clear ]

cwcIndustrialPC_04Hold down clamp ensures that video cards and ancillary components are locked into position.

Suspension Mounting for the hard drives ensures that the data is always protected from vibration and abuse.[sc:clear ]

cwcIndustrialPC_05Lockable Components ensures that computer can be left running with keyboard disabled and when not in use that all components including hard drives are safeguarded.

Sony 16x DVD-R allows data to be permanently backed up to DVD or at 48x writing speed to CD.[sc:clear ]

cwcIndustrialPC_06Optional Equipment

Dual Hot-Swappable Power Supplies are recommended on all servers and for workstations that are mission critical. If one power supply dies, the computer will continue uninterrupted. When convenient a replacement power supply can be inserted without turning off the computer.

19” LCD Monitor. The 17” monitor can be upgraded to a 19”. This is particularly useful for GMS computers that are also running Plant Automation.[sc:clear ]

Dimensions Width Depth Height Weight
Computer Enclosure 17 ¼” 20” 7 1/8” 36 lbs.
104 Keyboard 19” 8” 2” 3 lbs.
17” LCD Monitor 15” 5” 16” 20 lbs.
Power 115/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz

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