Unattended and semi-unattended truck
Danvers, Illinois
Attended and Semi-unattended truck receiving
Grading and accounting interface
CompuWeigh Control Systems:
GMS-Truck scale workstation for truck receiving
SmartTruck RFID
SmartLink accounting system interface
Attended Operation:
During normal hours a truck stops on the scale. If the customer already has an account, the operator selects that account’s RF (radio frequency) card, which is located in a pigeonhole, and swipes it in front of the inside RF reader close to the computer. This creates a new transaction and automatically enters the customer’s information into GMS.
If the customer is a new account, the operator will enter the information into GMS and then take one of the unassigned tags and swipe it in front of the reader. This tag is now linked to that account and swiping the card will automatically create a new transaction and enter the customer’s information into GMS.
During this process the truck is probed and the factors entered into GMS.
The truck now goes to the dump pit and when empty returns to the scale. The operator again swipes the RFID card in front of the RF reader. The tare weight is taken and to speed up operations the driver picks up his ticket from the OTP-3000 Outside Ticket Printer.
The completed transaction data is then sent to their Grossmans accounting system using our SmartLink accounting system interface
Semi-unattended Operation:
After hours, the driver stops on the scale and swipes the RF card (that he has brought with him), in front of the outside RF reader. This creates a new transaction and when the scale has a stable weight, automatically takes the gross weight. A roving employee pulls a sample from the truck for inspection the next day.
The truck proceeds to the unattended pit for that commodity and returns to the scale empty. The driver again swipes his card in front of the reader and when there is a steady weight, the tare weight is taken and the ticket printed on the outside ticket printer so the driver can take it without leaving his truck.
Unattended truck receiving
La Salle, Illinois
Attended and Semi-unattended truck receiving
CompuWeigh Control Systems:
GMS-Truck scale workstation for truck receiving
SmartTruck RFID
SmartLink accounting system interface
OTP-3000 Outside Ticket Printer
With the ongoing pressure to reduce operating costs, a number of our customers are running their truck scales without an operator at the scale, particularly at off-peak times of the year.
This GMS System has the flexibility to operate in both manned and unmanned modes. With the flick of a switch the screen can be changed from the normal GMS truck screen to the one above.
Semi-unattended Operation:
Trucks that frequent the facility on a regular basis are provided with RF tags that are semi-permanently attached to the outside of the cab or trailer. Infrequent trucks are provided with temporary RF tags that can be placed on the dashboard of the truck.
When the traffic light is green the truck is postioned on the scale. Electric eyes ensure that the truck is correctly positioned on the scale. A display facing the driver informs him of the status of the weighing operation. The SmartRead RF system, which has a reading range of over 15 feet, reads the truck RF id and as soon as ‘motion’ is out of the scale GMS records the gross weight. The traffic light turns back to green indicating the truck can leave the scale.
Although not used at this location, additional RF readers can be positioned at the dump pits to ensure that trucks unload at the correct pit.
Once unloaded, the truck returns to the unattended scale and follows the same procedure to obtain the tare weight.
To reduce the time spent on the scale, the system is equipped with the OTP-3000 outside ticket printer, which is positioned 125ft ahead of the scale. By the time the truck arrives at the printer the ticket is ready for collection. If the driver is using a temporary card drop he drops it off in the basket, and leaves the facility.
We are introducing the OTP-4000 which has a ten second print time (instead of the 40 second time of the OTP-3000) which will allow the printer to be positioned right at the scale.